Sunday, September 28, 2014

The longing

The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale.
- using the body as a way of determining size and proportion can help in a way of not having to use tools. One can use the body to experiment and fine different ways to explore art and elements within it.

Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience.
-The amount of space within that object can only hold so much so say the object is your memory which can only remember so much at a time which can create an experience that is authentic and real experience.

The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three dimensional into the minute that can be enveloped by the body.
-a souvenir can help remember a small detail or large detail without having to have the meaning showing. It can have different elements in which brings meaning to certain emotions and memories.

Nostalgia can not be sustained without loss.
-without loss the strength of missing something or remembering something is no where near as strong, wether it be a person place or thing you have to loose it I'm some way to create the strong feeling of nostalgia even if the loss is not from death.

To have a souvenir of the exotic is to posses both a specimen and a trophy.
-having something of strong value to you can feel like a trophy. Something that has strong meaning and relation can show the importance of what something means to you as a person and to a memory.

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